即將過103歲生日的韋勒姆先生(Dr. Ellsworth Wareham)是一名退休心臟外科醫生。已經吃了「半世紀」純素的他,身體仍十分健朗,無論是開車、除草或爬樓梯,通通難不倒 🏃👏
韋勒姆來自美國加州羅馬琳達——全球五大長壽地區之一/美國最長壽地區——而這裡的居民,大都是純素基督徒 ✝️🌿
這位百歲人瑞不僅是純素食者(dietary vegan),而且還是不消費任何動物製品的純素者(ethical vegan)。看來基督徒對上帝的愛,也是可以被擴展到動物身上的 🐣💖
🎬 認識維生素B12:goo.gl/W1GXd8
️🎉 發燒新書推薦 |《食療聖經》:goo.gl/a37xcc
“Veganism is a very fine form of nutrition. If an individual is willing to listen, I will try to explain to them on a scientific basis of how I think it’s better for them.”
Dr. Ellsworth Wareham is a famous cardiothoracic surgeon, who retired at the age of 95. Wareham attributes his longevity to having adopted a vegan diet about fifty years ago, and his 103rd birthday is just around the corner! 🎂️ 🎉
🔍 Learn more about Wareham's life: goo.gl/3RTYLF
🎬 More videos about Wareham: goo.gl/1CcyPD
📗 How Not to Die | New York Times best seller: goo.gl/YUbZtz
🎬 Original YouTube video: goo.gl/XwaFa
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