
2022年2月15日 星期二

白阿姨的澎湖灣 作者:左化鵬. 經典 文章 影音推薦, 資深媒體人(中央通訊社駐漢城特派員) 左化鵬. /悼念 澎湖群島的兩位天使

白阿姨的澎湖灣 作者:左化鵬








澎湖群島的兩位天使 作者:徐瓊信



民國65年,大學畢業回到家鄉救國團澎湖青年活動中心工作。當時救國團主任委員是謝公仁先生也是國大代表,常有外賓來澎湖參訪,需要翻譯的時候都請白小姐(姑娘)Ms.Bly幫忙;也常有台北美國學校教職員生,包括蔣經國總統的親戚也常來澎湖,都會找白小姐幫忙;因這層關係,我與白小姐常有連繫,當時救國團的社團班隊要開設英文會話班,我第一個想到的授課老師就是請白小姐來幫忙 。由於白小姐照顧澎湖痲瘋病患的工作繁忙,無法分身,推薦她工作夥伴紐西蘭籍的安姑娘Ms.Anne Walker到我們救國團來開英文會話班,這應該是澎湖第一次有外國人擔任教師的英文會話班,深受澎湖人歡迎和喜愛 。

因為這個因緣,我認識了白小姐和安姑娘 ,才知道這兩位外國人終其一生無私的在澎湖為痲瘋病患服務 ;在吉貝島 、七美島 、望安島 、虎井島、西嶼島、馬公本島的每一鄉鎮都有她們兩位的足跡 。

白小姐1919年5月30日在大陸河南出生,1952年從舊金山搭船到基隆港,隨即前往台北縣樂生療養院服務痲瘋病患,由於病患中最殘障無力的病人大多來自澎湖,於是白小姐下定心願1955年初春來到澎湖,開始她一生歲月的奉獻;那時應該才36歲的美麗小姐,由於皮膚白皙透紅,澎湖外省人都稱呼她白小姐,本地人稱呼她白姑娘,她的英文名字叫Bly 與「白」同音 。

白小姐在澎湖除了幫助澎湖痲瘋病患,也幫助不少外國人;曾經有一對加拿大夫婦因帆船在臺灣海峽遭遇龍捲風整艘船擱淺在龍門沙灘上,在澎湖舉目無親,透過白小姐聯絡長春飯店的老板 郭長流先生協助他們修好帆船,郭先生並提供免費住宿後返回加拿大 。


安姑娘 Ms.Anne Walker是在民國60年左右來澎湖與白小姐一同照顧痲瘋病患,65歲返回紐西蘭,安姑娘也是把一生全部時光都留在澎湖照顧病患; 同時與白小姐宣揚基督福音;白小姐主持國語浸信教會,安姑娘長駐馬公長老教會擔任宣教士,以台語傳佈福音。印象中到了後期,安姑娘每週定期往返虎井島馬公島照顧病人。

民國74年救國團潘振球主任為了培養人才,舉辦公費留美考試,幸運的我考上,最感謝的是Ms.Marjorie Ingeleiv Bly  和Ms.Anne Walker;當時每週五晚上都跟Ms.Anne Walker研讀英文聖經 ,公費留美考前,安姑娘還特別給我考前猜題並且為我禱告,出乎意料竟以榜首讓我考取公費前往美國印第安納大學休閒活動與公園管理研究所進修; 人生第一次隻身出國即遠赴美國,知友 李繼玄特地在天成飯店擺桌餞行,盛情難忘。

一學期的短期進修略嫌不足,潘振球主任與海外處 葛維新處長另提供三個月,讓我透過印大系主任 Prof.Deppe 安排考察美國各州國家公園及城市公園。那時剛好我老師 張京育是新聞局長,也幫我安排各州代表處同仁接送機協助; 三個月的考察,讓我開拓眼界,開啟人生更大的夢想。Ms.Bly 幫我安排聯絡在美國基督徒朋友協助我在美國生活,六位都是我人生中的經師也是一生中的人師。

耶穌基督無私地疼愛世人,透過美國的傳教士白小姐 ,紐西蘭的宣教士安姑娘 ,兩位把祂的愛奉獻給澎湖人,現在澎湖群島痲瘋病患已全然絕跡,這完全歸功於白小姐(姑娘)Ms.Marjorie Ingeleiv Bly 與安姑娘Ms.Anne Walker。


Aunt Bly’s Penghu Bay


                   Author: Huapeng, Zuo 

"Penghu is my home," said Marjorie Ingeleiv Bly , a missionary from the United States. Penghu people call her "Miss Bly," or "Aunt Bly." Back then, when she came to this sandy Pescadores Island, she was determined to cure every leper on the island. Fifty years have passed, and leprosy has been completely eradicated on the island. Return to heaven, in her will, "sprinkle my ashes into the sea of Penghu."

From her beautiful blonde hair to white hair, she dedicated her life to Penghu from youth to old age without any regrets. Her residence is covered with photos of her relatives. She must miss her hometown in the United States and she must miss her parents in America.

Back then, when she came to Penghu alone, there were leprosy patients with crooked noses, slanted eyes, broken hands and feet, and leprosy all over the island. There was almost no cure for this vicious disease. die. "Auntie Bly" is here, riding a small fishing boat, facing the bitter northeast monsoon, in the stormy sea, visiting lepers from island to village to house to house, her love is like a beacon in the dark night, let the sick Suffering rekindled hope of living.

After a long time, a foreign country has become her hometown. Aunt Bly, who has a high nose and deep eyes, has learned to speak fluent Taiwanese and mingle with the local people. In 2006, leprosy was completely wiped out in Penghu, and Aunt Bly finally breathed a sigh of relief, but because she had been staring at the slices under the microscope for a long time, her eyes were almost completely blind, two years later, she was admitted to the nursing home of Penghu Hospital. Rest in peace with the Lord,  lived a high life of 90 years.In accordance with her wishes, Penghu people scattered her ashes in the sea of Penghu. Let her spirit in heaven always accompany her beloved Penghu folks.

On the streets of Penghu , Aunt Bly will never be seen again, and she will never be heard again, but she has not disappeared and is still alive in people's hearts. The government of Penghu County created a statue for her on the streets of Magong. The bronze statue will always be remembered by the world.

Share a heartfelt article. The author is my friend Dr. Chiunghsin, Hsu . He once taught at Penghu University of Science and Technology, and later served as the president of Penghu Community University. He retired a few years ago and shared his experience on the Internet.


The Two Angels of the Penghu Islands(The first American to be erected a bronze statue by foreigner.)

                          Author: Chiunghsin, Hsu

The first impression that Ms.Bly left on me was that when I was studying in Penghu Makung Middle School, there was a Miss America on Makung Street who always walked briskly.

In 1976, after graduating from university, I returned to my hometown to work at the Penghu Youth Activity Center of the China Youth Corps. At that time, the chairman of the China Youth Corps was Dr. Xie Gongren, who was also a National Congress representative. Foreign guests often visited Penghu, and when  Dr. Xie needed an interpreter, they asked Ms. Bly for help; There are also staff and students of Taipei American School, including relatives of President Chiang Ching-kuo who often come to Penghu, and will ask Miss Bly for help. Because of this relationship, I often have contact with Miss Bly. 

At that time, the China Youth Corps was going to open an English conversation class. The first teacher I thought of was to ask Ms.Bly to help. Due to the busy work of taking care of leprosy patients in Penghu, Ms.  Bly was unable to separate herself. She recommended her work partner, Ms. Anne Walker from New Zealand, to our China Youth Corps to hold an english conversation class. This should be the first english conversation class with foreigners as teachers in Penghu, which is very popular and loved by the people of Penghu.

Because of this karma, I met Ms.  Bly and Ms.   Anne, and only then did I know that these two foreigners have selflessly served lepers in Penghu throughout their lives; , They have their footprints in every township on Jibei Island, Qimei Island, Wangan Island, Hujing Island, Xiyu Island, and Magong Island.

Ms.  Bly was born in Henan , mainland China on May 30, 1919. She took a boat from San Francisco to Keelung Port in 1952, and then went to Taipei County Lesheng Sanatorium to serve leprosy patients. Since most of the most disabled patients came from Penghu, so Ms.  Bly made up her mind to come to Penghu in the early spring of 1955 and begin her lifelong dedication; Ms.  Bly, who should have been only 36 years old at that time, because of her fair skin and rosy skin, people from other provinces in Penghu called her Aunt Bly, and the locals called her Ms.  Bly. Her English name is Bly, which has the same pronunciation as "white".

In Penghu, Ms. Bly not only helped Penghu leprosy patients, but also helped many foreigners. Once a Canadian couple encountered a tornado in the Taiwan Strait, the whole boat was stranded on Longmen Beach, and they had no relatives in Penghu. The owner of Changchun Hotel Mr. Guo helped them free accommodation and repair the sailboat and returned to Canada.

In her later years, Ms. Bly returned to heaven due to eye disease and could no longer continue to work. Penghu county  magistrate Dr. Lai Fengwei and Speaker Mrs.Liu Chen Zhaoling voluntarily built the first bronze statue of a character in Magong urban area in response to the people's voice in Penghu. 

Ms. Anne Walker came to Penghu in the 1960s to take care of leprosy patients with Ms. Bly, and returned to New Zealand at the age of 65. Ms. Anne also spent her entire life in Penghu to take care of the patients;

At the same time, she preached the gospel of Christ with Ms. Bly; Ms. Bly presided over the Mandarin Baptist Church, and Ms. Anne was stationed at the Magong Presbyterian Church as a missionary, spreading the gospel in Taiwanese. In my impression, in the later period, Ms. Anne regularly traveled to and from Magong Island on Hujing Island every week to take care of leprosy patients.

In 1985, President Pan Zhenqiu of the China Youth Corps, held a public-funded examination for studying in the United States in order to cultivate talents. Fortunately, I was admitted. I am most grateful to Ms.Marjorie Ingeleiv Bly and Ms.Anne Walker; at that time, I studied English Bible with Ms.Anne Walker every friday night.

On the eve of the public exam, Ms. Anne also gave me a special guess and prayed for me before the exam. Unexpectedly, I got the top of the list and let me go to the Institute of Leisure Activities and Park Management at Indiana University for further study; for the first time in my life, I went abroad alone. When i went to the United States,  closest friend of mine Li Jixuan specially set up a table at the Tiancheng Hotel, and the hospitality was unforgettable.

One semester of short-term training was not enough. President Pan Zhenqiu and Director Ge Weixin of the Overseas Office provided another three months for me to arrange visits to national parks and city parks in various states of the United States through Prof. Deppe, the Dean of the Department of Indian University. At that time, my Prof, Dr. Zhang Jingyu, was the  director of Government Information Office, and he also helped me to arrange airport pick-up assistance from colleagues from the representative offices of various states. The three-month inspection allowed me to broaden my horizons and open up a bigger dream in life. Ms.Bly helped me to arrange contact with Christian friends in the United States to help me live in the United States. All six of them are masters in my life.

Jesus Christ loves the world selflessly. Through Ms.Bly, a missionary in the United States, and Ms. Anne Walker, a missionary in New Zealand, the two dedicate His love to the people of Penghu. Now the leprosy patients in the Penghu Islands have completely disappeared. This is entirely due to  Ms.Marjorie Ingeleiv Bly and Ms.Anne Walker.

Although the two of them have left us, their love for Penghu will always remain in the hearts of every Penghu person.



The first American to be erected a bronze statue by foreigner.












